
Tables are a nice way to organize a lot of data. We provide a few utility classes to help you style your table as easily as possible. In addition, to improve mobile experience, all tables on mobile-screen widths are centered automatically.

Name Item Name Item Price
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

              <th>Item Name</th>
              <th>Item Price</th>


Compact Table

Add class="compact" to the table tag to make the table cells have less padding

Name Item Name Item Price
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

Striped Table

Add class="striped" to the table tag for a striped table

Name Item Name Item Price
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

Highlight Table

Add class="highlight" to the table tag to make the table highlightable.

Name Item Name Item Price
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

Sticky Header

Add class="sticky" to the table tag and class="sticky-header" to the <tr> tag to make it stick to the top. You can also add class="blur-bg" to the <tr> tag to make the header translucent and class="blur-bg acrylic" if you want the acrylic effect.

To adjust the top position on where to stick the header, just add an inline css --sticky-header-top: 1px; to the <th> or <td> inside the tr.sticky-header. You can change the 1px value on whatever you want.

Please note that the header will only stick if the elements inside the <tr> tag are <th> instead of <td> and the container of the table must not have overflow: auto|scroll.

Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

Centered Table

Add class="centered" to the table tag to center align all the text in the table

Name Item Name Item Price
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

Responsive Table

Add class="responsive-table" to the table tag to make the table horizontally scrollable on smaller screen widths.

Name Item Name Item Price
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

If you prefer the scrollable table, wrap the table with <div class="responsive-container"></div> container.

Name Item Name Item Price
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00
Shannon KitKat $9.99

    <div class="responsive-container">
        <!-- Table contents -->