


Simple. Built on open source. The responsive front-end library based on Google's Material Design.

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Note : This is a community-managed fork of the official MaterializeCSS library. Since the project's support has been dropped by the original team, this version is 100% community-powered, meaning that bug fixes or new features are implemented by volunteers but are not official.


Speeds up development

Most of the heavy lifting is done for you to provide a default stylings that incorporate our custom components. We also refined animations and transitions to provide a smoother experience for developers.


User Experience Focused

By utilizing elements and principles of Material Design, we were able to create a framework that incorporates components and animations that provide more feedback to users. Additionally, a single underlying responsive system across all platforms allow for a more unified user experience.


Easy to work with

We have provided detailed documentation as well as specific code examples to help new users get started. We are also always open to feedback and can answer any questions a user may have about Materialize.